Gigantic provides multi-touch used oil and filter recycling outreach in multiple counties and cities across California, targeted to motorcyclists who conduct their own oil changes.
Engage, educate and change used oil and filter disposal behavior in a diverse audience of “Do-It-Yourself (DIY)” motorcyclists for whom traditional pro-environmental government messaging on used oil and filter recycling does not resonate. Assist local jurisdictions with data collection and reporting for CalRecycle Used Oil Recycling Program grant requirements.
- In-person Event Outreach
- Collateral Creation and Distribution
- Data Collection & Reporting
- Website
- Social Media
- Geo-targeted Online Advertising
- Campaign Design
- Research
- Program Management
Used motor oil and filters are hazardous waste, though they can be recycled when disposed of properly. Riders Recycle takes a regional approach to increasing awareness and improving used motor oil and filter recycling among motorcycle riders who are more likely to change their own oil than the average car owner and will often change the oil on their other vehicles as well. We target on-and-off road motorcyclists, scooter and ATV owners through customized on-the-ground outreach at a variety of local events with outreach specialists who are fellow DIY motorcyclists and speak the same “language.” At each event, we survey DIYers about current habits, share how and where to recycle used oil and filters, and provide free information and tools to make recycling easy.” We supplement in-person outreach with online promotion using social media and geo-targeted digital advertising directed towards our educational website. The program also offers local research and solutions and assists client jurisdictions with data collection and reporting for their CalRecycle Used Oil Recycling Program OPP Grant requirements.RESULTS
In just two years, we’ve surveyed more than 4,140 DIYers and engaged thousands more in conversations about oil and filter recycling at 53 targeted events in 12 client jurisdictions. At the events, we gave away more than 1,020 oil recycling drainer containers, 140 oil filter drainers, 1,460 oil funnels, 1160 pairs of oil change gloves and other helpful oil and filter recycling materials. 2018 event survey responses showed the need for a focus on used oil filter recycling (96% of 2,200 DIYers surveyed at events said they recycled their used oil, but only 76% recycled their used oil filters), which resulted in the purchase of oil filter drainers for event giveaways and the development of a filter-focused social media and advertising campaign in 2019. Our Google, Facebook and Bay Area Riders Forum online advertising campaigns combined have garnered more than 1.3 million impressions and over 4,840 clicks.