Using primary research, the Remember Your Cup Campaign addresses two barriers related to reusable cup usage: Forgetting to bring your cup, and knowing that you can bring it.
How can a group of jurisdictions all charged with reducing waste come together to promote source reduction issues? Our team helped the County’s Public Education Committee choose a source reduction topic using research, specifically identifying barriers and benefits. We learned that most people own a reusable cup, but forget to bring it. Research also pointed out that a small percentage (15%) didn’t realize they could bring a cup. This finding was also noted in research to the Chinese speaking community.
- Primary Research
- Concept/Campaign Development
- Copywriting
- Video Script & Production
- Media Buy
- Direct Outreach
We developed creative messaging specifically targeted to each the identified barriers. “Remember Your Cup” included a video with tips, and digital ads, all of which exceeded industry benchmarks in terms of clickthrough rates and views. In addition, we tested a texting reminder service to help interested citizens to start a new reusable cup habit. This service was promoted at coffee shop tabling events held in partnership with participating cities and a coffee shops.RESULTS
To address lack of awareness of bringing a reusable cup, we created a simple animated spot in both English and Chinese showing where and how you can use your cup. The Chinese video exceeded a 50% video completion rate on the YouTube promotion, and all videos registered 7x the YouTube VCR benchmarks. Over 3 million impressions, and a clickthrough rate 130% of industry standards demonstrated that this creative concept got attention. Twelve events netted 107 subscribers to CupMinder, and majority of user poll respondents rated the text reminders as helpful.